You have to choose to participate in life.

The really scary thing is that you can start right now...

Sunday 17 June 2018

Renaming and Sea Trials

Back from a six week break we were keen to actually get go sailing but we still had some jobs to do and more importantly the boat had to be renamed:

Champagne cast to the four gods of the winds

Toasts and sacrifices to Neptune.  

Unveiling at sunset

It's official! 
Gods appeased.
 Time for the rubber chicken conga around the mast.

and other stuff

Some of the handsome guests dressed for the occasion.

some of the not so handsome guests as well.

The first time out was just a BBQ trip down to the beach north of Hillarys.
The youngest family member even got a berth.

The dolphin/cray pot watch.

The guys from The Distillery come for a quick sail before...

...a photo shoot at the dock.
Our first overnight cruise and The Stallion takes on boat hook duties as we pick up our first mooring. 
No one died.

The Barra Slayer checks out the deck space...

...and the night's catch.

'Son of Merv' gets the Seal of approval at Carnac Island.

"Hey guys... I haven't seen this one before..."

The Stallion pensively solving the worlds problems on the way home.
The grandkids fishin... 
...and chillin.

We even try some deep water bottom bouncing... 
A face only a mother could love.  Speaking of which...
Time to rug up as the sun goes down.. 
Our first time finding our way home in the dark.