You have to choose to participate in life.

The really scary thing is that you can start right now...

Wednesday 4 April 2012

April 2012 The first post

This Blog is to keep you up to date with what I am up to. 
Let's see if I can up load a photograph...
Well, that was easy.
When things go eventually horribly wrong this is my "David Hicks" photograph that can be used by the media to lambaste my character.  Should I also include one with a puppy just in case I become a victim?  Hell no...

The Plan
Five years ago things were looking pretty good. The business was ticking along, kids all grown up and independence was staring us down.  Sue bought into a the idea to get a boat and go around the outside of Australia and check out all those little places that we had seen from the shore.  The plan was to wait until 2015, cash in the super, buy a fancy catamaran in Queensland and sail it back home...

Life has a funny way of turning to shit when you're feeling smug.

Needless to say, I'm now in that categoreey who say "even if you have to go cheap, go now".
Deadline : December 2012
Task:  Find and set up boat to motor sail around Australia.
Budjet: 100k
Experience: Nil
Performance Indicators:  Do I look like I care? 
The New Plan
Do it.

At the moment I'm looking for another boat to buy as the Catamaran I was keen on sunk. It supposedly hit a submerged sea container.  I think it was insured for more than I was going to pay...

Anyway, this is the one that looks like it could be the top pick so far...
 It has everything I am looking for including a new engine.  The only major downside is it's interior plan but you can't have everything, can you?
Off to Brisbane at the end of May to have a look at this and a couple of others.