22th May 2013
Dunk Island 17o 56.398S 146o 8.174E
As you can tell the resort hasn’t been reopened since the
cyclone the year before last. There are some workers fixing up the jetty and they have kept an ablution block and bbq area open on the spit for campers and cruising boats. A great guerilla marketing plan...
I had to
motor all the way here and the wind is still on the nose until tomorrow
afternoon. Had a short walk to the other
side of the island and have made some plans that don’t include going anywhere
until the wind changes.
Some more different butterflys because you asked for it....
I need to get some pins and some cardboard...
And tonight’s dinner.
I’ll have to get a bigger pot as this one was too big to put fit in...
...in one
23rd May 2013
North Barnard Islands 17o 40.393S 146o
There was no wind at all this morning so I did my washing
and then went for walk up to the top of the hill at Dunk island.
The wind came in as predicted at midday so I had a good sail
up here. First time in a while I haven’t had to use the motor at all today
since Mackay. The same is predicted for
tomorrow so I should get a good straight through run to Fitzroy Island. If I can maintain a decent speed like today I
might even get to Cairns.
The anchorage here is a bit rolly but, it is only an overnight stop. It is tucked
away under the lighthouse with a nice beach sand spit that separates the two
islands. There are a few coral bommies
here that were a bit difficult to see now that it’s become overcast. I would go
fishing but I’ve broken the handle off my last reel. Bloody expensive these
fish or perhaps I should buy some decent gear.Just at sunset a 50+ft power cruiser came and anchored in front of me. Didn't even wave. Just sent one of his hired help to beach with his dog to have a crap. (the dog that is) He's very close and I hope he doesn't drag.(the boat that is)((You know what I mean))
24rd May 2013
Cairns 16o 47.104S 145o 42.987E
When I woke up this moorning I was a bit pissed that the cruiser has swung and was sitting right on top of my anchor. It was 5am so I tied a fender on the bow and hauled up the chain. When I drove up on the anchor I gently nudged him away and finshed the retrieve. No one stirred in the cruiser. I don't even think I woke them up. I thought at least the chef would have been preparing breakfast!
I had 15 to 20 knots of wind the whole way here today so I
just kept on going. Averaged 6
kots the whole day. I should paint it
Ferrari red.
I am now berthed at Half Moon Bay marina. Not without incident
this time.... I broke the plastic top off the light stand that houses the power and water to the dock with the bow as I swung in. I’ve fessed up and they didn’t seem too worried. I’ll take a photo tomorrow when it’s light before they sticky tape it up. It wasn’t as if someone died…
I’ll be here for just over a week as this is the last chance
before Darwin to do the few things that need doing and to fully provision the
boat for the next couple of months.