You have to choose to participate in life.

The really scary thing is that you can start right now...

Monday, 29 April 2013


20th April 2013

Grass Tree Beach  21o 21.858S 149o 18.876E

I had to leave Curlew Island at 5 am to make use of a 2kn tidal current on my way here.  It meant that when I got here the tide was out so the entrance to Grass Tree Creek was if bit iffy.  I anchored out the front waiting for the incoming tide so that I could get in.  I started to read a book but fell asleep and missed the tide window.
Never mind it is quite pleasant out here anyway.  The creek is probably full of sandflies anyway…

21st  April 2013
Mackay  21o 21.858S 149o 18.876E

Had a good wind to blow me up here and into the Mackay harbor.  I had to skirt around Hay point loading facility.  The AIS showed that were over 2 dozen ships anchored or being loaded at the conveyor. 

As I was pulling into the harbor I was hailed by the captain of the Coral Princess which was trying to leave the port while I was coming in.  He asked that I go around his stern which I did.  He was too big for me to take on.  The fisheries boat came over and took my details.  Apparently it is a pretty tight port with a lot of weekend boats cutting through so they like to keep everything pretty well controlled.  You have to go through the harbor to get to the town marina and boat ramp.  I was a bit worried but, the fisheries guys were cool and laughed saying that I did the right thing.  At least I responded which apparently doesn’t happen all the time.
Any way finally got to do my first solo docking.  It all went a bit too smoothly.  No one died.

Pulled out the old diesel tank and found a place that will make me a steel one.  All up it will probably cost a boat $.  At least it will be done properly and I won’t leave a smear through the Whitsundays.
Walked over to North Mackay( about 7 km) today to visit the closest hardware store and then caught the  bus back. A good walk seems to be the only way I can get my land legs back after being on the boat for an extended time.  I’m sure that’s why marinas seem to be so bloody far away from town.
The Great Kepple arrived on Friday might and I’ve had him joining the walk/bus ride into town for some serious shopping.
The GK and I power shopping

Well we’ve been here in Mackay  for a week now waiting for a weather window.  These are no big pineapples or other large objects here that queensland is famous for but, I have so far been able to locate an adequately large cane toad...
And a reasonably big banana...
Although why it is being used to advertise a tackle shop I just can’t figure out.  It's actually so bizare it could count as installation art.

Mackay is actually a bit of a boom town and it's a bit like home where Hi-vis is a fashion statement.  I haven't been wasting my time here though and have managed to locate a Brumby's that sells what is possibly the perfect apple turnover...

Breakfast on a bonnet in MMMMackay